Monday, June 2, 2008

Jordan vs the land crabs

We've had a week of straight rain, which was definitely needed. And after the first rain in May, the land crabs come out of hiding in droves. They didn't disappoint this year. Seeing as it is our first year in the house, I didn't anticipate how many land crabs would seek higher ground from the bush that is right across the road from our lot. Loads. And yes, they are big.

Looks like Florida has the same problem

Bless his little heart, Jordan just doesn't know what to do with them (which means I don't know what to do with him!). He's been trying to fight, bark, and chase each one away. The nights are particularly challenging for as they scratch their way past him. For a dog that doesn't bark, he's lost his marbles completely...barking incessantly (I now know what that word really means) about every 30 minutes. He's so wound up that he gets all the neighborhood dogs going with him. Fab.

I'm not sure how to describe the dark circles under my eyes at work today...who is going to believe that it's because of the land crabs? Thank goodness Mr. Big returns from a week and a half of traveling today. One more night dealing with this myself might send me over the edge.

Jordan vs. the land crabs 2008.

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